Meet Our Team
Café Roshd team included 6 young people. Babak and Arash were the creators
and developers of the project and its details and methods. In addition,
Mahnaz, Arvis, Sina, and Shadi were other facilitators of the project.
Babak and Arash are co-founders of Gabbeh Institute. During last 5 years,
they've executed some projects in the context of education, culture and art.
They were R&D directors of an educational complex for 2 years.
Babak also directed social-educational projects of University of Tehran for
more than a year. He's 29, a writer, critical thinker, social activist,
so eager to learn, and loves any kind of creativity and innovation.
He's interested in social issues and committed to create empowerment
opportunities for everyone. He facilitated soft skills trainings and
building of the structure in Café Roshd and directed the project together with Arash.
Arash is a creative designer and an artist who - except for Gabbeh - works as a freelancer.
He's known for his interactive teaching style, detail-oriented approach,
curiosity, supportive and sympathetic spirit. He's 26 and loves all visual arts.
He facilitated graphic designs and production of the documentary movie,
and together with Babak, leaded café to its pre-planned goals and desired perspectives.
Mahnaz is a 28 year old painter who loves nature and design.
Her sympathetic attitude in teaching synergizes students.
She facilitated the planting, gardening and greenbelt design of
the café as well as vegetarian cooking workshops.
Arvis is 26 and a fashion artist. She is so committed, hard-worker,
full of energy and honest. She facilitated art team of the café and designed,
modeled and prepared café costumes and dresses for students (staff) from A to Z.
Sina is an active learner, and loves games and the process of learning through playing.
He's a music producer and web front-end developer and deeply cares about the justice and equality.
Sina was the facilitator of Programming and Web Designing course and Instrumental Music workshop in the café. He is 27.
Shadi is 25 and a human rights activist. She is an adventurer journalist,
who also sings as a vocalist in some Iranian amateur bands.
She joined the café team as a facilitator and instructor of Journalism, Communication and Media