Dozen of news
Spread the peace


Regarding new age of communication and technologies, today we can have access to many of broadcasts and information resources simply. To understand this new era and live better, we need to learn about it. We need to empower critical thinking skill and know new technologies. We need to learn about medias and journalism and their role in society. Many broadcasting channels, much volume of contents, social networks and internet, make us to learn those skills that empower us to analyze information and recognize true from lie. These abilities are so much important to learn for children and youth because they are going to make their future based on these communications and information.
In this program we intent to learn about journalism, new medias and new technologies, also we want to become more strong to recognize resources by asking true questions and reviewing them. One of the other purposes of this workshop is to practice how to write creatively what we've got in our minds, not to become a poet or an author, but to discover ourselves and around better. In this course participants also learn how to interview, body language and non-verbal communication specially between interviewee and interviewer. Writing reports and introduction on photo journalism are included too. And finally we'll publish the magazine of Café Roshd.



Modern journalism
- Journalism, news services, staff writer
Basics of journalism and medias
- Main concepts of journalism, news and its values, news from event to audience, news selection criteria
- Critical thinking
Creative thinking
- The experience of expressing our thoughts freely
Photo journalism
- Photo journalism skills
- Analyzing photos based on journalism
Interviewing techniques
- Introduction on interviewing, Interviews for news, questioning
- Non-verbal skills and body languages
Finalizing Café's magazine
- The Café's magazine included news, articles, photos, stories and etc.
output #1
output #2
output #3
output #4